This last semester has brought a lot of different things, people, and experiences into my life. I see them as all being good :) I first started working out with my roommate Val, and got really excited about it. We went for at least 2 hours/night the whole semester. I know you're all going to say "but you're not even fat!" because thats what friends say, even if it's a lie. But whatevs, I wanted to do something that had nothing to do with school, something to take my mind off of it. So losing the 10 pounds was kind of a bonus. Then I decided that being blonde was kind of my calling in life, so I did that. Then I started invisalign (which should really be called invisalisp), sorry Daddy, but I don't want your gaps in my mouth so I'm closing them up:(. School is the same old, I'm taking 20 credits this next semester--setting me up to graduate April 2014. I'm way excited that Rebekah is coming up with me and Jared in a couple days. Jesse gets home from Brazil on March 26th and we are all very excited. Well, that was it for this round, next time something exciting happens, I'll be sure to post again :)

Sounds like life's going awesomely for you! I'm so glad :)
Love you:) Good luck with the braces and school!
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