I guess a little background is needed for this post, plus I've included captions so hopefully it's less confusing.
I always wanted to serve a mission, but when I met my boyfriend I was pretty sure I would get married instead. The more I prayed the more I felt that it wasn't the right time to get married, and I'm just being honest, I did NOT like that answer. I'm kinda used to having things my way and being in control of my life. One day I was talking to Travis, and as I explained how important missions are I'm pretty sure I got a slap in the face from the spirit, you need to serve a mission. It took me forever to make up my mind that I would turn everything over to the Lord, trusting that he would take care of me. I didn't want to wear long skirts or dye my hair back to my natural color or put off my career, education, or especially my relationship with Travis. That was so much to give up. But as I was reading in Luke one day, I knew that it would all be alright:
"And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee. And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God’s sake, Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting."
So I filled out my papers in an hour, finished all my Dr. appointments, and started w.a.i.t.i.n.g. My papers were supposed to be submitted on the 10th of December, and I was going to surprise my mom and give her the call for her birthday. On December 9th, I called my dad and told him I didn't want to submit them yet, because I was afraid I wouldn't have time to graduate in April if I got called to soon (#overachieverproblems for filling them out too soon).
Little did I know, my dear Stake President was messing around with my papers and had submitted them a week before! My call was assigned on my dad's birthday (I won an iPad that day, I guess the mission is already blessing me ha ha), and it came Saturday the 21st of December. My parents hid it and wrapped it for my mom's birthday. She opened the gift and said: "Look, I got a mission call for my birthday!" I could NOT believe how all this was possible because I didn't know they had been submitted early. But as you can see it has turned out great and I am SO excited to serve the people of Long Island!
President Monson was so kind to send me my present a day early! He even sent me to the mission I was hoping for (how does that even happen?!, I had just told my dad the night before: "I hope I can go to New York or something!")Okay I realize this picture is completely retarded, but as soon as I saw "New York, New York South", I jumped up and screamed it to my family. Real mature I know. I look like I'm 5.
My family was sooo excited for me, and they are so supportive of what I am doing, I love them so much!
This is my "Travis totally called where I'm going" face. I'm pretty convinced he's inspired because literally 2 nights before he told me he thought I was going to New York. Atta boy Canada!
The whole time Rebekah just wanted to see the map, and I'm just like....I think President Monson touched this paper?!?!?!
With my wonderful parents, at times I wondered if they were more excited than I was, but the minute I read where I was going I knew that I am needed there and that the call is from God.
Trust my brothers to pull up Google Maps to figure out where I'll be....Queens, the Kings, Brooklyn, and the Bahamas, Statue of Liberty....all of Long Island!
And Happy Birthday to my Mom! She tried to go on a mission but my dad kinda put an end to that with a marriage proposal. It is so perfect that I was able to open it on her birthday!
With this call has come an even greater testimony to me that Jesus Christ loves us, and I am beyond excited to share this gospel with others. It has changed my life beyond anything I would ever have thought possible, and I want to share it with everyone I can!

Sariah! I'm so excited for you and admire you so much. You'll be a wonderful missionary. You have a wonderful testimony, and I'm so excited to hear about your experiences. You're one strong woman. Love you!
Thank you!!! Love you girl(:
Love your blog post! :) Love YOU!!! xo Mom
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